This video introduction may be updated to match the new site look for Michael Casher Tube or it may not be updated. It may be replaced with a new intro video or just scrapped altogether. It depends on a lot of things, including which way the wind is blowing when Michael Casher wets his finger one morning and sticks it out the window. Or this video's future could hinge on whether or not a robin will poop on his back door stoop or on his car or on him some Tuesday morning. No one knows these things. And most people don't care. We don't, either. So we don't.


A personal message from Michael Casher: My sincere apologies for the crowded look of pages with multiple videos on them. Every time I put a little extra space between the videos, someone or some thing at Webnode takes them back out. I finally gave up actively maintaining this website on April 8, 2014. There seems to be no point to it. Adding elements no longer works at Webnode with Firefox. The videos show through on the text editor and too may clickable X's are hidden behind ghost images. That's nonsense and a waste of my time. And forget Google. Nothing loads here with Google, not in edit mode. Sorry, folks, it was good while it lasted.


Welcome to Michael Casher Tube

Michael Casher Tube has a New Look for 2013... and Beyond


Michael Casher Tube features the promotional videos created by science fiction author Michael Casher, "Shared" from the SciFiForThinkers Channel at YouTube and categorized for your convenience. There are 47 videos at Michael Casher Tube.


This site has nothing to do with Michael Casher's Junk TV website. You won't find those videos here, except for the two Spacecasts videos. They also appear on the SciFiForThinkers Channel at YouTube, at Junk TV Spacecasts and at Science Fiction for as Pernona Non Grata under the Contributors link there. So, if you want JunK TV, click on the Links page from our sidebar menu here at Michael Casher Tube. A Junk TV video is a horse of a difference color but nothing to sneeze at, either.


Michael Casher Tube is a free entertainment satellite of Science Fiction for, the official website of science fiction author Michael Casher.


Thank you for visiting Michael Casher Tube and enjoy your stay.